Tag Archives: medical transportation company

When to Consider Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

An ambulance tearing down the road with lights flashing and sirens blaring may be the most familiar mode of medical transportation. However, it is not the only option and is probably best reserved for medical emergencies. In many cases, non-emergency medical transportation is a better choice for patients who do not have life-threating injuries or…
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Traveling with a Heart Condition

Traveling with a heart condition isn’t risky for most people, especially if they take precautions before and during their time away from home. Some heart conditions, however, require travelers to take precautions before and during travel. For example, high altitudes can make patients more symptomatic, particularly for those with coronary artery disease. Sitting immobile can…
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Travel Tips for Patients with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Travel by train, plane, bus or car has one major similarity – minimal leg room. This can be a concern for people who are taking trips of four hours or longer or for those who have a history of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). DVT is a condition that can lead to blood clots associated with…
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What is Medical Tourism?

Each year, thousands of Americans travel outside the United States for medical treatment and care. This growing category of health care is known as medical tourism, health tourism or health travel services. Since the term is so broad, it’s worth explaining what medical tourism is and why some people choose to travel outside their own…
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